Starting Point for new Modders.
BRF Resource Management
Informations about OpenBRF and diverse Mod Resources.
Localization and Modularity
Informations about Basic Module Structures.
In-Game Editor
Work in Progress, still needs a lot of time until finished.
Setting up the Module System
How to get your Modding Project started.
Swyter's Mount&Blade Terrain Hash Generator
Tool to create Terrain Codes for your Scenes.
Module Syntax and Usage
Introduction to the Mount & Blade Scripting Language.
Some Text here.
Most Common Errors at Modding
A compilation of the most common errors and solutions.
Some Text here.
Preface, Interaction and Configuration
Topics: Preface, Interactions between Module System Files, Module Info
Gameplay-related Module System Files
Topics: Module Constants, Module Variables, Module Strings, Module Scripts, Module Simple Triggers, Module Triggers, Module Factions
Agent-related Module System Files
Topics: Module Skills, Module Skins, Module Troops, Module Items, Module Animations
Scene-related Module System Files
Topics: Module Scene Props, Module Scenes, Module Mission Templates, Flora Kinds, Skyboxes
Map-related Module System Files
Topics: Module Map Icons, Module Parties, Module Party Templates, Ground Specs
UI-related Module System Files
Topics: Module Info Pages, Module Dialogs, Module Quests, Module Meshes, Module Game Menus, Module Presentations
Audio-related Module System Files
Topics: Module Music, Module Sounds
VFX-related Module System Files
Topics: Module Particle Systems, Module Postfx, Module Tableau Materials
Module General Parameters
Topics: Versioning, Loading Resources, Enabling Content
World Map Parameters
Topics: Map Constants, Time and Date Parameters, Leveling-related Parameters, Item Parameters, Party Parameters, Game Menus Parameters, Others
Battle Scene Parameters
Topics: Combat Parameters, Battle Parameters, Physics Parameters, Others
Other Parameters and Details
Topics: Enabling Features, Graphical Parameters, Multiplayer Parameters, Performance and Logs, Savegames
Useful Informations and Remarks
Topics: games_variables.txt, rgl_log.txt, rgl_config.txt, variables.txt, variable_uses.txt